Annals of Nuclear Resistance

Peace and Planet Mobilization April 26, 2015
Photo courtesy of Libero Della Piana - used by permission
From the Ban the Bomb movement to peace and planet summer, for seven decades people have resisted the menace of nuclear weapons that overshadow life on planet Earth.

This blog is dedicated to stories of protest and resistance, calls for nuclear disarmament, remembering those who have made and do make significant contributions to peace.

These are extraordinary stories. It has been an honor and privilege to recruit the material for the blog as a United for Peace and Justice project for Nuclear-Free Future Month and Peace and Planet Summer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cambridge, MA City Council Unanimous Vote to Divest Pension Funds from Nuclear Weapons Production

As the US and other nuclear nations move to modernize their nuclear weapons at a cost of $4 million/hour over the next 30 years (instead of fulfilling treaty obligations to disarm under Article VI of the NPT) a new international campaign is being waged called Don't Bank on the Bomb.

With prominent scientists including Stephen Hawking saying: "If you want to slow the nuclear arms race, then put your money where your mouth is and don't bank on the bomb!" this campaign has already taken off in Europe with more than 50 large institutions limiting their investments in companies involved in manufacturing nuclear weapons.

With the Cambridge City Council unanimous vote, peace activists hope that the campaign will take off across the US  to let the corporations know that people do not want these weapons developed and modernized, as Mayor Denise Simmons said, when announcing the vote: "Not in our name!"

Read more about the campaign:

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